Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Training Update

Well, breathing has been much better. Thank goodness. Last week was an awesome week of training! I owned my workouts and it felt great to get all the time and mileage in.

I had the most amazing run of my life on Weds. I've never been so consistent thru a run before. I was on a runners high for a few days even. Hell, I get a little bit of that high now when I think about it!

This weekend I did a tough but awesome 45 mile ride with the best chiropractor in KC and on Sunday, ran 8 miles at Shawnee Mission Park. I did 7 of them with Pete and the last mile pretty much all out on my own. Then Derick and I met his dad for some quality time at the dog park while the boys got to swim and be dogs. It was a great weekend.

This week I have heart rate testing. Weds I do my swim test; Thurs, bike; and Fri, run. These are basically all out efforts for 30 minutes, trying to get my heart rate as high as it will go. Luckily the rest of the week is pretty easy so I should be able to suffer thru.

On Saturday, I'll be out at the Olathe Marathon running the Girls on the Run booth and trying to raise money for my Ironman fundraiser. If you're out there, be sure to stop by!

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