Monday, March 2, 2009

Believe in the Run

Nike has a new promotion: "Running never takes more than it gives back. Believe in the run."

It's time for me to start believing in the run. For those of you who haven't heard yet, I've been cleared to start my Ironman training March 13! Which is great... except for my fear that once I start training, the pain will return and I'll be right back where I started. Yes, I know the power of positive thinking. And it's one thing to hear that... it's another thing to believe it. However, while I might not be the biggest proponent of Nike over other athletic gear providers, I can absolutely believe in the truth of this new promotion.

"Running never takes more than it gives back..." Running essentially took my entertainment, my stress outlet, and my health to a lower point than it's ever been. But, I believe there's a reason for that. The time off, the worry, the rehab will all give me more drive, more motivation, and more mental toughness - all things I need to train for and cross the finish line of Ironman Wisconsin. In that way, running might not just give back the amount it took. I can't speak from experience, yet, but I imagine crossing the finish line of your first Ironman is an unequalled experience - one running will help me achieve.

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