Monday, January 12, 2009

This has nothing to do with IMOO, but....

So my brother Ryan went to help out at my nephew Ian's preschool class today (Catholic school too). They are learning about winter and made snowmen. Mr. Bradley the PE teacher, who is really young, was in helping too and was at the same table as Ryan and Ian when Ryan looking at the snowman said "Oh wow your snowman has some hair." Ian says (dead serious) "No Dad, it's a nest for his penis." Mr. Bradley bit his lip and had to leave the room he was laughing so hard and well Ryan just says "Hmm, nice." And then he proceeded to say that it's not appropriate to talk like that in public.

I'm still laughing!


Baby N's Mom said...

Too freakin' funny!!!! I read it to Tim without showing him the pic and he practically fell over then I showed him the pic.

hwkncat said...

oh my god..out of the mouths of babes! He'll be a firecracker when he gets older. :-)

a.maria said...

thats fantastic. i would have peed my pants laughing at that had i been there in person!