Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Well today has been frustrating to say the least.

During my run this morning, it took forever to get warmed up. But once I did, the strides felt great. It was a 2 mile warmup, then 4x200 strides, with hops in the off-200. Then a mile cool-down. But that's not the frustrating part...

Work. Had a great lunch with one of my favorite donors. That's not it either...

After work, I wanted to head home, grab my bike and get to the downtown airport to do my Big Gear Reps. But on my way, I remembered that my bike was at Derick's house, not mine. Grr. Oh ya, I don't have a key because he got locked out last week and I gave him mine. Grr. So I had to go to his friend's house to get a spare key. Grr. I drove all the way across town to Derick's to realize the key was for the back door, where I couldn't get because of the big trash barrel full of dirt was in the way of the gate. Grr. So I was obviously not meant to ride today. Grr!

Today is one of the week's only good weather days. And I really wanted to get outside to ride. Grr. So I settled for taking the dogs to the park for a walk. Just not as good.

Ah. Oh well. Hopefully my bike will get here soon and I can get my workout in on the trainer since the sun will be down. And if not, I'm sure I can find a cold beverage to enjoy.

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