Friday, September 26, 2008

Gotta pump myself up for the long run!

Tomorrow morning... 17 miles... Six a.m.... Leawood trail....

My runs this week were pretty difficult. After my run in the rain, my 9 miler turned into a 7 miler. My legs have just been tired, and I'm so happy that Chicago is flat! I don't think I could handle any hills.

I'm not sure whats going on with my legs though. I cramped so so bad at Redman. T2 was miserable. Laying on the couch tonight, I almost cramped again. Its part in my calf and part in my foot. I have no idea how to stretch it either. At first I was thinking it was from being dehydrated, but I feel like I've been drinking plenty of water. Anyone have any ideas!??!?!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Make sure you take in your salt, Trish. G2. Kent gets back this week - can you make an appointment? Warm soaks in the tub can help too!