Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Redman on Saturday!

Redman is coming up in just a few days! We are so excited. Our first half iron finish!! The DNF at IMKS70.3 for Trish just doesn't count.

The plan is to drive down to OKC Friday morning, with a stop at Hotel O'Donnell in Wichita for delicious sammy's. Then we'll drive the course, check our bikes and carb load!!

For those of you who are "with us in spirit" and not with cowbell in hand, you can follow the race online. Go to http://www.redmantriathlon.com/ and hit the link that reads "Track your athlete" and then they will be asked for a name or bib number. The results are uploaded every three minutes, and are fed to the web after we cross a course timing mat.

So you don't have to search for bib numbers, here's a list of our KC Multisport crew that will be in OKC.

1125 - Brian Evans
1164 - Jared Kuntz
1175 - Steve Strickland
1188 - Tim O'Donnell
1211 - Josh Mohr
1561 - Andrea Villasi
1569 - Carly Farrell
1591 - Chelsea Krohe
1582 - Heather Schulze
1590 - Trish O'Donnell

Cheer us on from cyber space, and watch for the post-race report here on IMooDoU !

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Love the new blog!

See you EARLY Friday morning.